The Boss Lady Social
Running an online business is not always rainbows and dollar bills. It's hard work. It's HEART work. In this podcast, Courtney Sjoberg, uncovers hard truths, ah-hah moments, big wins, bigggg losses and everything in between that she has learned from building a multiple 6-figure brand in the past 6 years. Join us weekly as we talk about the good, bad, ugly and everything about running an online business. Courtney dishes out marketing advice, social media help, how to hire (and sometimes fire) a team, dealing with anxiety and depression while being a CEO, and so much more. She DOESN'T hold back. She is her full unfiltered self. She hopes you will learn something and take away a little bit of magic in every episode as she airs out everything she has learned as a full-time entrepreneur. Let's get into it!
050. 7 Steps to Your First 500 Email Subscribers

049. Overcoming imposter syndrome as an entrepreneur

048. Most underrated marketing strategies to grow your business in 2023

047. How often should you actually be posting on Instagram and social media for results

046. How to revive a dead Instagram account and bring in more engagement online

045. 10 things I would do if I had to start my business over from scratch

044. How I lost my multiple 6-figure business... overnight

043. My FAVORITE Instagram Sales Hack how to make MORE MONEY on Instagram!

042. How to use Hashtags on Instagram in 2022 (that actually works)

041. 7 ways to hit 6-figures in your business from Instagram (part 2!)

040. 7 ways to hit 6-figures in your business from Instagram

039. I'm Back - Part 2 (I almost sold my business!)

038. I'm Back! (Part 1)

037. Building a Brand for Your Business With Ava Palmquist

036. Taxes for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs with Nacondra Moran

035. Learning The Power of #FutureBoards with Sarah Centrella

034. Freebies to Bring Value & Grow Your Email Audience

033. Building a High Vibe MLM Business with Kristina Wood

032. How to Create a Profitable Webinar

031. How to Give Yourself Permission to go after your Dreams!!

030. 10 Things I am Terrified to tell you...

029. Instagram Audit - A DIY Guide to grow your IG Account

028. What to do when your Social Media stresses you out!

027. You don't need permission to lead and be a work in progress at the same time!

026. 4 ways to overcome Imposter Syndrome in your business!